Amateur Tennis Tour II: Hawaii
Week two: Hawaii...what a life, eh?!

A View to A Hill
In some ways I was looking more forward to this tennis tournament because most of my friends from my tennis group in SF are participating as well. The weather in Waikiki was hot, but not as humid. The first thing I did after checking into my hotel was check out the beach!! "all" aspects!!

Waikiki Beach at 2pm...what a life!!!

In order to surf the big waves, surfers had to get pass this...

Looking on with a Mai Tai in my hand at the Pink Palace
The weather throughout the entire tennis tournament was so-so at best. The first day of matches, we had a two hour rain out...right in the middle of my 2nd match against my roommate Sam. After the rain, everything went downhill...I lost my singles match then my doubles match. I was out by the end of the first day...the rest of the time, I was a chauffeur for Sam (who won the entire tournament).

Competitors from SF: Tim, Sam, Dat, me, Jon, Greg (L to R)
Prior to the last day, a new friend from NYC, Ron took us to the other side of the island. We saw some really nice rental houses next to the beach. There were these young folks setting up for some Kite Boarding. There were also two to three wedding parties on the beach (seems like Japanese like to have weddings in Hawaii, you can see them in all the hotel lobbies taking pictures).

Dudes on their way to do some Sky Boarding at Lanikai
I liked Honolulu (although I have never been to any of the islands)...I think it resembles some parts of Hong Kong, especially when I see stores open until 10 to 11pm. However, these stores are just along the beach. With all the tall buildings (and some ugly 50's residential apartments), I felt weirdly at home. This is a nice place to visit, but I cannot say I want to live here...

The Streets of Honolulu...the City infested with ABC Stores
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