Ahhh...my sleeping quarter: The Master Bedroom
This is where I spend 8 hours at night every night. Here is what my messy room with my grandma's bedframe looked like...

Old Master Bedroom (View 1)

Old Master Bedroom (View 2)
Since I spend a lot of time here, I should live a little. This is the point where I start to sway from my budget. I got a 37" LCD flatpanel by Vizio!!! The new bed is (again) from Pottery Barn....Sumatra Collection. I have loved this design for over two to three years. I've searched high and low for something comparable and cheaper...but unsuccessful. I have bought new table lamps from EQ3, but not shown here. The painting is two of my favorite work I have done...Numbers' Memoir.

New Master Bedroom (View 1)

New Master Bedroom (View 2)...the door to the Master Bathroom is eliminated
Do you see it?!! There is a new Sony Playstation 3 on that dresser!! It was bought more for the high definition Blu-ray than the game console itself. The picture is just simply gorgeous!!! Now I watch movies and Anime in bed (with a glass of wine or soda)!!!
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