Everything is SOOOOOO SLOW!!!!
I had morning tea this morning with my folks. Then I headed off to get my permenant residence status in HK. I took the Ferry across the Bay, which really brings back a lot of memories.

Hong Kong Ferry

Hong Kong Bay
All is well until I got to where I was headed....the Immigration Department. The first part is to verify all my documents (passport, birth certificate, etc...which was presented last time I was in HK two years ago)...this takes place on the 25th Floor which is only accessible from Elevator 4. However, in order to get my residence card, I have to go to the 8th Floor which is only accessible via Elevator 1. So I have to go back and forth, back and forth...it really sucked. I have get a number, just like getting a number in that dreaded DMV. Everything started at 10am.
Then by 12:30pm, I finally got everything done with the document verifcation....but I have still have to get my residence card. However, that department said that I need to have to original birth certificate. Since I did not have it, they have to look it up in their microfilm database....which takes a few hours....which leads to my next thing....
I am in this internet Cafe called Zambra. Their internet access sucks too....it is sooooooo slow...and it is not because I have a weak wireless connection....it is because the connection goes on and off. Thus, in the meantime, I am uploading pictures and stuff every 10 minutes or so. Well....it is time for me to go back to the Residence Card Department...so I sign off. Hopefully, next time I have a faster connection.

Causeway Bay...in front of Soho
It is now night time....I went to Causeway Bay to visit a music collaborator of mine, who is now working in the music business. We had a very interesting talk about the music industry in HK. He said that composers in HK compose for people to sing, not for people to listen. Many Western Composers write songs to express their ideas for people to listen and appreciate...however, in HK, composers are to write songs for general public to sing in Karaoke Bars. This difference is huge! I understand now this is the reason why HK pop music is stuck. If you listen to top hits, majority of the songs are piano ballad songs with very formulative arrangement. We might think it suck, that it lack creativity...but this is what sells. Thus, in order for composers to survive in HK music business, they have to fit into this mold. It is very sad. =(
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