Pennsylvania and Washington DC
Between 7/13/07 to 7/22/07, I travelled to Washington DC and Hagerstown, PA. I stayed for about a week in Hagerstown and 2-3 days in Washington DC. This is my first time travelling to this part of the country. I have travelled often to places outside of the North America continent that I fail to explore the rest of the good ol' US of A.

Signature Schu's Feet Shot
In Hagerstown, I stayed at my friend, Howard's folks and gotten to attend his family's reunion. Needless to say, I was the only Asian. Buy I was glad that they did not look at me like some strange alien from outer space. However, one thing for sure...people here sure eat very greasy stuff....and definitely don't know what is good Chinese Food (yes, there are Chinese Restaurants here).

What's on your dirty mind??!!!
I did not do a whole lot during my stay. I got to experience what is it like to live in a small town in America. I don't think I can ever live here....I am a City Boy after all.
In Washington DC, Howard and I did all the main attraction in basically one afternoon (7/21). We walked all over the main area, visited all the museums. My foot was exhausted.

Every Big US City has to have a Chinatown...

...and a Holocaust Museum...
As Howard and I got close to the Lincoln Memorial, we encounter some very familiar folks....the crazy Falun Gung cult!! They were just meditating on the steps to the memorial. They were obnoxious as they pretty much blocked a lot of pathway. Worst of all, they were in my camera's way!!!!

This is what I came to see....

...but I got this instead!!! AIYA!!!!
When I got back to the hotel, I was exhausted...but there were lots of people at the bookstore across the street from the hotel. They were getting their hands on the none other, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. So now, I can forever remember Washington DC via Harry Potter.
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