July Garden Update
It has only been a month (see 6/22/08 post), my backyard looks like a forest!! Now I can see having no planning in gardening can make things look kind of chaotic. But then, nothing grew in my backyard before. So, I guess this period is a trial period to see what can actually grow and survive. When the fall comes around and all the blooming is over, I will dig them up and shuffle them around. There are definitely some plants I want to keep and some I'd rather not. Overall, I have too many Dahlias.

The Schu's Forest...late July
The Dahlias are starting to bloom. Several more kinds started to show up (with a few more not blooming flowers yet). Some look so-so, but some looks huge and beautiful!!

The Three different Dahlias that sprang up...
One flower that I love the most is the sunflower. However, I have never gotten any success growing them. This time, instead of starting off from seeds, I got a cutting from a local flower shop. This sunflower is quite unusal, it is blood red!! This plant is huge and is even taller than me!!

My Favorite - The Sunflower
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