History comes to life in Gettysburg
I loved my High School History teacher, Ms. Gissler. She is the best. I wish my interest in historical wars existed back then. The Civil War was one of the central part of US History. I did pay some attention in class as I do recall that Abraham Lincoln's election to his presendency was one of the catalyst to starting the war...however, I must have slept in class as I was oblivious that there were actually two nations in America during the Civil War...United States of Ameria and Confederate States of America...and each with their own president!!!

The Gettysburg Museum and Visitor Center really made my learnings in US history come alive. Not only were there rooms of artifacts with uniforms and guns, but there were video presentation that clearly illustrated all the movements of troops from both sides during the entire Civil War period. Understanding that the battle at Gettysburg was one of the turning point of the war for the North (as they were losing), could have changed America forever, reminded me of....STAR TREK and its alternate universe!!! Strange as it may seems, that is what came to mind....how one pivotal point could have change the entire course of history...
BTW, in Hagerstown, I did see a house with a Confederate flag...
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